Tuesday, November 2, 2010

New Litho Print, a Collaborative Book, and Videos! Hurrah!

Hello, everyone! Hope Halloween was lovely; it certainly was for me, as I got to go to a corn maze for the first time and enjoy a party from my always wonderful friend Chase. My roommate and I went as Hank and Dean Venture from the Venture Brothers because we are supernerds. But enough about that! Here's what I've been up to! This first print is a 4-color, 22x15 inch litho print, but I still want to add a couple more layers:

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I also did this collaborative exquisite corpse book, in which I (and fourteen other people) made two body parts and bound them into a book, so you can flip the body parts around to get new combinations. Here are two combos with my two body parts in them:

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And here's a closeup on the ones I did:

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I've also made a couple videos recently: a parody of Doctor Who and a tour of Savannah with my little sister.


  1. Hi. I found your blog thought craftster.org. I regularly check you blog for any new projects you have. Your works is amazing! I love your creativity and drawing style. I think the paper cranes through out the hall was really out-of-the-box awesome.
    Sincerely, Olivia D.

  2. Aww, thank you so much! It really means a lot that you're interested in what I've been up to! I'm going to try to have some more stuff up before the end of the week :D

  3. Awesome! : )
    - Olivia D

  4. ps thanks for responding that's really cool of you.
    -Olivia D

  5. Hahaha it's five times cooler that you commented in the first place :P Just posted the aforementioned "stuff before the end of the week"...hope you like it!
