Saturday, May 14, 2011

Christopher's Room Installation

This was the installation I did for my exit show. It's called Christopher's Room, and it follows the story of a young prince, Christopher, whose life changes when he is attacked by the great snake Ezra. Christopher defeats the snake, but takes Ezra's mask so that he is never hurt again. The mask gives him strange new powers, but renders him pretty soulless and zombie-like. The installation itself is a corner of Christopher's bedroom, in which the viewers can poke around and find goodies that expand the story. Here's me in the installation:

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The snake Ezra:

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Christopher's mother, the Insect Queen, doesn't recognize her son after he puts on the mask, so she collects pictures of him as he used to be:

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A family portrait of Christopher and his parents:

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Christopher's father, the king, uses Christopher's new powers to eliminate two potential assassins, the twin brothers Felix and Asher Orthrus. Christopher must send the king their tattooed hands to prove they are dead:

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Each of Asher's fingers is in an individual box:

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There are lots of little goodies in the cabinet:

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Here's the little pamphlet in the cabinet that shows Christopher fighting the snake, and which I posted on this blog earlier:

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  1. This is one of the most stunning things I've ever seen. I'm just - wow- this is awesome. You did an amazing job, and I love the story.
