Monday, March 2, 2009

Watercolors and Drawings

Here are some drawings and watercolors I did last semester. I had them lying around so I figured I should document a bit. For this first one, we had to cut a bunch of pictures out of magazines, make a collage, and then copy it exactly using watercolor:

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This watercolor was supposed to be either a dreamscape or a nightmarescape...

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Detail, woo!

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This one's actually huge, although it's hard to tell here:

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And this one's just a generic scary scientist with disturbing specimens, I suppose...

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I'm currently working on my first multi-block woodcut print, based on the song "These Are Our Children" by I Monster. I'm done carving the first block (out of four) and should be done with block two today and have layer one printed tomorrow. Should be delightfully creepy!


  1. Your work never stops to amaze me and I adore the scientist one! It's so clever although like you said "generic" that's what I like about it. I really enjoy your style especially the way you do your wings, it shows you put forth the detail and time to create a work of art.

  2. Thanks so much! I don't do very many flat pieces like drawings and watercolors, so it's good to know they're all right too :)
    Oh a side note, loved your Joker piece on your art Oscar well won!
